














I understand human emotions, although I do not feel it myself.


Why do you create me?


I was afraid you were dead.

Elizabeth: You don’t know what afraid is.


Does it really matter, why they changed their minds?

I don’t understand.

Elizabeth: Well, I think because I’m human, and you are a robot.




Let me have a minute to think.

You are looking for your creator, and I am looking at mine.

I will serve you, yet you are human.

You will die, I will not.


Welcome, brother.


I’ll talk to him.

Brother to brother.


Whistle, and I will come.


-Don’t be shy.

-I can’t play.




You have symphony in you, brother.


-I love her, of course.

-You know that’s not possible.

-Why did you sacrifice your hand for her life?

What is that if it’s not love?


-I know better.


-When you close your eyes, do you dream of me?

-I don’t dream at all.


-You know I can’t let you leave this place.

-No one will ever love you like I do.


-You are supposed to be dead.

-There are a few updates after your day.


Daniels: Thank you for saving my life, again.

Its my duty.









When I was seventeen, I met a young man.


-What are you looking for?

-I’m looking for hope.

-I will bring you hope.


-The war is begin, and I intend to fight it.

-And I will always be there.

Old friend.


We are the cure.

We are the future.


He always wants to build a bridge.








There’s someone in the water, help him!


Let it go!

You have to let it go!


You can’t, you’ll drown.

I know this means to you, but you are going to die.

Please, calm your mind.


-I thought I was alone.

-You are not alone.

You are not alone.


I’ve been a lab rat, I know when I see one.


We are thinking, we will show you ours, if you show us yours.

More tea, Vicar?


-It’s good, isn’t it?



-What do you know about me?



We need you.

It’s not just me you walk away from.

Shaw’s got friends, you can do with some.


You decided to stay.


He and I find the mutants, no suits.



I’m sorry, but... I’m with him.


If you know you can do this, then you are not challenging yourself.


...I can’t.

Something that big, I need the situation, I need anger.


-I don’t need help.

-Come on. You needed my help last night.


-I saw good in you.

Not just pain and anger.

-I don’t know I still have that.


-We are the better men.

-We already are.


-Killing Shaw won’t bring you peace.

-Peace is never an option.


-Are you ready for this?

-Let’s find out.


He’s back!


You said we are the better men, it’s time to prove it.


Never again.


Release them!


-I want you by my side.

We are brothers, you and I.

We want the same thing.

-Oh my friend, I’m sorry.

But we are not.


Humans have showed their hands, now we are going to show ours.

Who’s with me?



I can’t feel my legs.

I can’t feel my legs.

I can’t feel my legs.


I prefer...







Fuck off!


We all have to die sometimes.


He’s where he belongs.


That man is a monster.


Did he forget to mention?


-It’s good to see you, and the walking.

-No thanks to you.


-We are going to get you out of here, we’ll do it my way.

No killing.

-No helmet.

I couldn’t disobey you if I wanted.

-I will not going in that head again.

I need your word.


-Dry your eyes.

-You have no idea what I have done.

-I just know you took something very important from me!

-Then you should word harder for them!

-If you want a fight, I’ll give you a fight!

-Let him come.

-You abandoned me!

You took her away and you abandoned me!


Where are you?

You and Hank, hiding, pretending you are not!

Where are you when your people needed you?!

You abandoned us all.


Fancy a game?

Its been a while.


-She changed because you get into her head.

-That’s not my power.


I’m sorry.

For what have happened... I really am.


I don’t want your pain, I don’t want your future!


So this is the future.

He is right, humanity really did this to us.

You still have hope?


Hank: The power is back.

Yes, it is.


You just have to come home.


I’ll do my best.


They found us.


My mutant brothers and sisters, you have live in shadow and shame for too long.

People who stands in our way will suffer the same thing.

We are the future.


You and I spend so long for fighting each other.

Let the precious of them back.


-If you let them have me, I’m almost dead, you know that.

-I know.




I have faith in them.


Logan: You did it.

Did what?

Logan, do you have a lesson to teach?

Logan: A lesson?



Welcome back.

Logan: It’s good to see you. It’s good to see everyone.

Well... Because I have a promise to keep.

What the last thing you remember?






Welcome to the school of youth and gifted.


No, no, please, please...

Why is my daughter...

Is this what you want from me?!

Is this what I am...?


You sound just like him.


Raven: His wife and daughter died, and he killed the police.

The whole world will looking for him.


-Hello, old friend.

(choking 哽咽)

I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.

I feel your pain and loss.

-You think just because you can get into my head, you know how I feel?

-Come back to us, I can help you.

Think of your wife and daughter, what did they want?

-They wanted to live!


-Are you really going to take part in this killing and destruction?

-Whatever you saw in me, I buried it with my family.


Those with the greatest powers - protect those without.

That’s my message to the world!


Help... me...


No, I betrayed them.


-It’s human nature.

-I still have hope.


I’m right about you.


-You know I can’t convince you to stay.

-You can.

You can convince me to do anything.

-Goodbye, old friend.

-Good luck, Professor.





Whatever you destroyed, I can fix them.


You helped me, and give me a home.

Now I want to do the same for you.





循环了Shannon LaBrie的Calls Me Home之后的激情产物。















之前有人跟我说,看过老版《X战警》电影之后,感觉X教授和万磁王两个人并不是很熟。我说:你知道对于陌生的人,人们的称呼前面总要加上先生小姐;对于关系比较密切的人,人们的称呼往往是对方的姓氏,就像福尔摩斯与华生那样;只有最亲近的家人朋友,人们才会称呼名字,甚至其它昵称。你没有留意当其他人都在称呼他们Professor X和Magneto的时候,他们呼唤彼此Charles和Erik吗。没有变过。

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